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Home: Welcome

*****Important Announcement*****

As of January 2019, The League Of Super Heroes has decided to take on fewer events in the community throughout the year as we no longer have to capacity to fulfill the many requests we have received in the past. We will however still be available to attend exceptional events for special situations and with our preferred charities such as CHEO Foundation, The Children’s Wish Foundation, etc.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause but we do hope you understand that we want to give our amazing volunteers some truly deserve time to rest. That being said, we are still and always looking for new enthusiastic members that would like to join our group. Please follow the link on the left to learn more about the application process and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Welcome to the League!

Founded in 2013, The League of Super Heroes (TLOSH) is an  Ottawa's cosplay group that puts the fun into fundraising by combining our passion for creating screen and comic book accurate costumes of our favourite heroes with community outreach in support of local children's charities. As of 2019, TLOSH has added story book characters to their ranks to increase our potential support around our community.

Have a look around, stay for a while and browse through our character gallery! 

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